Hail all doom troopers
Hail hail! For all of you who made the daring gamble to venture out into the Desert (in these times! in this economy!), we want to say: thank you for coming here, being there, for being you.
You are important in the best of times, and double so when the going gets a little tougher and weirder. Given all the turbulence around us, we are very aware how lucky we have been to still put together such a cracking line-up that delivered on all fronts. Godammit, our heads are still spinning from that Elder show, from those crazy f*kers at Pink Room attempting and delivering in spades to perform the entire Sabbath's 'Paranoid', from PigsX7 kicking your ass when you're down, from Slomatics, Red Fang, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Gnome.. literally each and every band that poured their sweat unto our stages.
We are also blessed with the joint Desertfest and Trix team who once again have made the organisation of this event a true joy to be a part of. When it goes so smooth you don't even notice how smooth it goes, that's when you're working with true professionals, the very best.
But when a tree falls in the forest… it would all mean very little to nothing if there isn't an audience there to hear it, to enjoy it, and to let us know by screaming at the top of their lungs. And that, dear reader, is on you all. If you were there: thanks, you made it happen. If you weren't there: don't worry. We know you had your reasons, we know you considered it, then had to decide against it. It sucks. But there will always be next year (or how about DF Ghent in two weeks!), so to all of you we say as well: thanks, and see you next time.
Live, love, and doom,
The Desertfest Crew