LAST BATCH OF NAMES FOR DF ANTWERP '21 - including lots of local talent

The Desertfest Month is just around the corner.. we know it's been a rough ride, but this one's going to be very special - we can feel it in our plums! Let's meet the final round of bands for the line-up, shall we?
Heavy Psych Sounds has been a driving force in the stoner underground for a while now, and we're very excited to present a number of bands from their roster at the Fest: 1782, Acid Mammoth and Komatsu. Furthermore, we have hand-picked some quality European acts for your enjoyment - from all over the continent and in a wide range of genres: Humulus from Italy, Slomosa from Norway, TankZilla and The Machine from the Netherlands, and Velvet Two Stripes from Switzerland. And last but not least: The Great Machine hailing all the way from Israel, baby!
Unfortunately, we have to break up this wealth of great bands with a bit of sad news: Yuri Gagarin has cancelled their show at DF Antwerp.
On to more greatness: at this year's Fest we have also made a special effort to present to you the immense wealth of heavy bands that populate our very own country. Added to the DF Antwerp line-up will be PEUK, Detrvire, Diemen Sniep, Eleanora, Lalma, MANNGOLD, Motor!k and Speedözer. From post-metal to grunge to psych to kraut to balls-to-the-wall rawk - Belgium's got it all!
Aaaaand that's all folks. Next time you hear us, it's either at the festival or - even more likely - when we have to announce DFBE '21 sold out! That time is drawing near, so if you still don't have your ticket: what are you waiting for? GO GET THEM!