We have another round of great adds to our ANTWERP edition in store for you. Please note that these will ONLY play Antwerp, and not our one-day event at Vooruit Ghent!
BLACK RAINBOWS is definitely one of the greatest torchbearers for modern stoner rock. Every show they play is guaranteed to rock everybody the fuck out, and this one will be no exception!
Speaking of 'rocking the fuck out', remember SUNNATA and their scorching closing set on the first day of DFBE 2019? Well, we certainly do - so it is with great excitement we announce their return to the festival!
Next up: a trio of France's most exciting extreme metal bands active today. REGARDE LES HOMMES TOMBER is more than just an awesome band name, being one of Europe's most forward-thinking black metal outfits. At the other end of the BPM spectrum we have CULT OF OCCULT and their slow-as-fuck satanic doom dirge. And finally, we welcome back HANGMAN'S CHAIR and their unique take on NOLA sludge.
We have some more in store for you, but don't hesitate to grab your tickets and start planning your trip. We can't wait to hang with our Desert Family again so make sure to be a part of it!
Combitickets (€87,50 ALL-IN) for the Antwerp edition of DF Belgium 2021 are still available.
If you'd rather join us in Ghent (or why not both?), tickets for the one-day event are still available as well (€52,00 ALL-IN).
Get them HERE.